
Meet The Team: Leo Walsh

Meet Jawnt's Senior Customer Success Manager, Leo Walsh!

Jawnt Team
April 1, 2024

You may have seen him biking around Philly, in the Inquirer, or leading webinars for our partners. Meet Leo Walsh!

Where are you based, Leo?

How do you get around where you live?
I love biking in the city. I actually can't get enough of it. But I also enjoy taking SEPTA, and having lived in West Philly for the last few years, I'm partial to the trolleys :)

How long have you been working for Jawnt?
About 1.5 years

How would you describe what your role is at Jawnt?
I would say jack of all / master of none, but most of my work can be summed up as: helping humans ride trains and buses and trolleys and bikes

What is your favorite thing to help Jawnt customers with?
I love helping someone enroll in their company's transit benefit... I hold a special place in my heart for folks who trade their car commute for a transit commute after enrolling in their transit benefit through Jawnt.

What do you hope to see in the future of transit & commuting?
I hope that our built environment adapts to be centered around humans and healthy movement, rather than cars and sedentary movement.

What have you been listening to or reading during your commute lately?
Love this question. For podcasts, I've been listening to the Dane Moore podcast (the Minnesota Timberwolves are having a magical season). For music, I've been listening to Bleachers, Hovvdy, and Isaiah Rashad.

Where’s your next vacation?
I'm taking Amtrak to Minnesota in April for the first round of the NBA playoffs (see above note regarding the Timberwolves)

What’s your favorite restaurant in the city?
Elwood in Fishtown! Beyond the delicious food (it's truly excellent), there is a storytelling to the place that I've never experienced in a restaurant. Small and nondescript, you'll miss it if you're not looking for it (it's in a rowhome, with a small 'Elwood' sign on the front door). It is a true culinary experience and I cannot recommend it enough.

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